Saturday, November 26, 2022

Christmas Already?

It is 11:30 PM the day after Thanksgiving and the infamous opening jingle of Mariah Carey's 1994 hit "All I want for Christmas Is You" is all ready playing on infinite loop until years end. I don't hate the song until its on the 5th loop then I will need hearing protection. I snuck out the house for another improv shot for my final portfolio and I tried my hand at Bellagio again. The results were quite good. I am definitely going to use the nutcracker photo in the portfolio I just need to get a better angle. All of the photos were taken at the Bellagio Gardens for this Christmas themed event.

Is anyone who celebrates Christmas ready for the gift giving?

The polar bears bring back nostalgic memories of the 1990s when I first remembered the first few Coca Cola commercials involving the polar bears