Saturday, November 26, 2022

Christmas Already?

It is 11:30 PM the day after Thanksgiving and the infamous opening jingle of Mariah Carey's 1994 hit "All I want for Christmas Is You" is all ready playing on infinite loop until years end. I don't hate the song until its on the 5th loop then I will need hearing protection. I snuck out the house for another improv shot for my final portfolio and I tried my hand at Bellagio again. The results were quite good. I am definitely going to use the nutcracker photo in the portfolio I just need to get a better angle. All of the photos were taken at the Bellagio Gardens for this Christmas themed event.

Is anyone who celebrates Christmas ready for the gift giving?

The polar bears bring back nostalgic memories of the 1990s when I first remembered the first few Coca Cola commercials involving the polar bears


  1. Needing hearing protection after the fifth loop of "All I want for Christmas Is You"? I need it at the first ;-p

    Beautiful photos as always, Kevin :-)

    Wishing you success in building your portfolio for PHO101 ^_^

  2. See your picture, let me feel the atmosphere of the festival! Thank you, Kevin.

  3. Beautiful pictures Kevin. I love the polar bears. I too have that nostalgic feeling with the polar bears and Coke from the commercials. Your pictures here bring great memories of my visits to House on the Rock in Wisconsin. Every nook and cranny is filled with Christmas decorations and it is just absolutely beautiful up there. Thank you for sharing.

  4. I've never seen the Bellagio during Christmastime but these photos make me want to go. My family barely participates in gift-giving because there are no more children in the household; however, I can't wait to spoil myself :)

  5. Your pictures look amazing as always. I enjoy going to the conservatory during Christmas time. My family and I go around 6AM to avoid the crowds and get a pastry from Bellagio Patisserie.

  6. I was also visiting the Bellagio that same day. Man was it packed! I also tend to have a hard time shooting indoors. I am a more outdoor shooter.

  7. I was there the day after Thanksgiving and it was crazy packed. I had to get the Christmas spirit back into my girlfriend head. This did the trick we now have a tree up and started to decorated her apartment.

  8. Yes! Coca Cola is the first thing that came to my mind when I see your pictures of the polar bears. For me, the best time to go into the Bellagio Conservatory was early in the morning when the sun was coming up, maybe around 7am, the light fills the room and everything is so bright and beautiful. And there was no crowd, so I didn't have to deal with people trying to take pictures the same time I was.

  9. Absolutely I agree with everyone on this post, first thing that came to mind was the old school Coca-Cola commercials from the 90's. Tis the best time of the year here in Vegas when the Bellagio Conservatory changes to winter. When I visit the conservatory, I try to go when it's the least busiest which is probably late at night when every one is already asleep. By the time of this reading I'll probably at the conservatory. Just kidding.

  10. I would have picked the egg for the portfolio, the holiday times are a bit hard for me, but Im going to make the best of it.
