Saturday, September 3, 2022

Photography time.

While selecting courses for this Fall 2022 semester I chose Photography 101. I went above and beyond on purchasing a new camera with the new Sony Alpha 7 IV. I am interested in challenging myself with street photography in the Las Vegas area. I hope everyone will bear with me on learning this new monster of a camera.


  1. The Las Vegas area is definitely conducive to street photography :-)

    Maybe you will post some of photos you will take on your blog?

  2. Very cool! Would love to see some photos once you take some.

  3. Awesome! that sounds like a fun class and hobby.

  4. Good luck on the new monster I was thinking of getting a Rebel T6 to test out the waters.

  5. OMG. You have to tell me about the class. That is one of my future classes. I hope you share some of your photos with the class. Photography has always fascinated me, so that is the class I am looking forward to.

  6. Learning how to take photos with a camera is different than using our phones. I can’t wait to see your future posts and photography.

  7. That's so cool. First Friday might have great opportunities for some great photos, especially with the musicians there.

  8. Oh my goodness Kevin! Please tell me all about the class. That is one of my future classes because photography has always fascinated me and I would love to know what to expect. I am looking forward to that class for the Summer 2023 semester. I hope you will share some of your photos with the class when you have time.

    1. The teacher Theresa Gingras has her own website and provides a great deal of knowledge throughout the class she is very knowledgable. The class is 4 hours long and we utilize every minute of it once a week. I have a few posted on later blog posts. I am still trying to adjust the amount of posts with the amount of time I have to go out and get shots.

      September 15, 2022 at 7:45 PM

  9. I am loving your content, Kevin. You are definitely well equipped for that photography class. May I ask where exactly it is that one must go to rent out equipment? I definitely would like to swing by.

    1. Build E Room 108. I think you have to be taking a photography course to rent equipment.

  10. I almost chose Photography for my Fine Arts requirement but I decided to go with Theater. You should definitely consider posting some of your pictures when you get the chance to!

    Edit: I looked through your page AFTER posting that comment and your photos are amazing. I love that you are able to travel around the Strip and other parts of Las Vegas to capture golden shots.

    1. I was originally going to take a Guitar course but that fell through.

  11. Photography is definitely a craft and technology, learn well and then have time to teach me! I'll pay for it!

  12. That is a nice camera! I hope all goes well for you in the photography world!

  13. It would be a pleasure to hear what you have to say about what you learn in that class since I don't know much about photography, but it’s always good to learn about these things.

  14. That camera looks so cool. Can't wait to see pictures on your blog.

  15. I stink at taking photos, can anyone explain why when you move a camera it creates streaking lights that look pretty?

    1. Your shutter speed is too slow OR you got a good lens that captures bokeh

    2. Thank you Kevin for introducing me to the photography term "bokeh". I thought it was a typo until I looked it up: "bokeh" is the aesthetic quality of the blur produced in out-of-focus parts of an image.

  16. That's a great camera! I also own one that I use for casual photography.

  17. I chose Photography for my Fine Arts requirement this semester. It is the course where I can take a break and visit places that I did not go to after the pandemic and be able to take photos of them.

  18. Sir my hat is off to you. To go above and beyond like that is awesome. I believe it takes great initiative to pass this class, and you sir, are on your way

  19. My son too likes photography, he does a lot of nature photos in North Carolina. He just recently graduated high school and I suggested he go to college for photography as well. I hope you enjoy and take amazing photos with your new camera.

  20. Nice camera! I'm looking forward to seeing some great pictures.
